The RSR entered into a partnership with Takalani Sesame to educate South African children on how to utilize the South African railway infrastructure in a safe and responsible way.

As part of its profiling initiatives and strengthening its course to educate young minds, the RSR identified Sesame Workshop International South Africa (SWISWA), a non-profit Early Childhood Development organisation headquartered in Johannesburg as a partner in its endeavour. SWISWA is the non-profit organisation behind the very popular Takalani Sesame programme that reaches 3.5 million children and 2.8 million

caregivers who watch the show with a child, every season. The partnership campaign with SWISWA will educate children between the ages 3 to 6 and their care givers on how to utilize the South African railway infrastructure in a safe and responsible way while highlighting the dangers associated with trains and railways. The dynamic partnership between the RSR and Takalani Sesame has birthed six compelling video assets. These feature Zikwe, a blue muppet who is a taxi driver, as Chief Training Officer (CTO) and David Kau, South African comedian, as Junior Training Officer, delving into the realm of rail safety,

impeccably aligned with the Regulator’s educational and awareness mandate. Look out for the engaging video clips on the RSR Facebook channel and take center stage in school based educational and awareness campaigns. Captain Sporo also made his appearance at the launch and entertained the learners with a rail safety song reminding them to stay clear of rail tracks.

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